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Airport Charges

Does your organization know all the services provided to air operators?

Are your charges approved or published by another organization?

Are you satisfied with how your assets and costs are allocated to aeronautical services?


Whether you are an airport operator, an air navigation service provider, or a civil aviation authority, we can help your organization develop its processes to establish, review, consult and publish aeronautical charges.


The establishment and review are done through an integrated approach in which the provision of aeronautical and non-aeronautical services is reviewed to ensure your charges cover their opex and capex costs. In addition, a benchmarking process reviews the charges against those of similar airports in your region.


The airport charges consultation process is designed to align with ICAO recommendations and international best practices, ensuring air operators and other stakeholders are given the right to participate and comment on proposals for new or revised charges.


In addition, we can also advise you on off the shelf or bespoke solutions for data collection and billing purposes.

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